OSR Blogs
Wednesday Comics: DC, April 1984 (week 3)
My mission: read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to
*Crisis*! This week, I'm looking at the comics Santa might have stuffed in
a stocking ...
1 godzinę temu
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness (1994)
From the back of the book:
Something moves in the darkness.
Your heart pounds.
Death is upon you before you know it.
Inside this book are dozens of sinis...
4 godziny temu
REPOST: Conan of Cross Plains
Janus must be very fond of writers, for so many were born this month:
J.R.R. Tolkien, Clark Ashton Smith, Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Merritt and,
today, Robe...
8 godzin temu
OSR Christmas 2024 - Days 9 & 10 - Giving the Gifts
We got back from PAGE 2 Sunday afternoon, and both Rach and I escaped Con
Crud: The Reckoning. Still, we had a bunch of catching up to do, so gifting
11 godzin temu
ASC Review: Foundry Ovens of the Bitter Paramore [sic]
*Foundry Ovens of the Bitter Paramore (Nick Alexander)*
AD&D for PCs of 5th-7th level
This one is gross. But whatever.
*For my review criteria, you may che...
21 godzin temu
On 1984
* “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was
their final, most essential command.” -1984*
21 godzin temu
Character Creation Challenge: Queen Talason
[image: Queen Talason Character Sheet]
Evil ruler? Sure why not. I have to admit this sheet jumped out at me for a
number of reasons. First, it is a rare ev...
22 godziny temu
kirbsday: reprise
By Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, published December 20, 1940. This is the
official position of the Mule.
1 dzień temu
Check out this fashionable fellow.
I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled
across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it
was p...
2 dni temu
In the Ashes
*In The Ashes *is a solo roleplaying gamebook written by Pablo Aguilera and
published by Devir. Pablo was kind enough to send me a couple of copies.
5 dni temu
Chaosium 50 Year Anniversary (1975-2025)
This is not just the 50 year anniversary of the Blackmoor Supplement and
with that, Blackmoor in its published form. This also marks the 50th
5 dni temu
Greyhawkery Comics: Tasha Cauldron #7
Welcome back readers! Well, his was bound to happen folks. *Tasha the Witch*
has a very long if not confusing history in *D&D*. I for one celebrate the
1 tydzień temu
The Intent of Supernatural Attacks in O.G.R.E.S.
Supernatural Attacks in O.G.R.E.S.
*Art by Bradley K. McDevitt. Used under license.*
Some questions have come up recently (even in my own gaming group...
1 tydzień temu
My Life in Roleplaying Games: 2024 and 2025
As we head into 2025, here are some brief reflections on my role-playing
activities in the recent past and near future.
I've been really enjoying running ...
1 tydzień temu
Unofficial D&D 2024 Style Guide (Your Capitalization Questions Answered!)
When I’m writing rules for D&D 2024, it annoys me not to have an official
style guide. In its absence, I made my own style guide so I can quickly
answer my...
2 tygodnie temu
Bat in the Attic Games and 2025
Happy New Year Folks!
This would be a good time to update everyone on what has been happening
with me and my plans for the upcoming year.
I ...
2 tygodnie temu
D&D Wokeness issues gets more and more media coverage
The whole wokeness invading D&D thing has been discussed on blogs and such
for a good while, but it was when Elon Musk recently tweeted the
3 tygodnie temu
The Reynardine
Reynardines are foxes cursed to go about the world in the manner of men, or
perhaps men that are cursed to go about the world in the manner of foxes.
1 miesiąc temu
Who Made Blackmoor? A History of Setting Development
In a sense Blackmoor "grew like Topsy", that is to say wild and on its own.
Perhaps the first iteration of anything we might call Blackmoor is the
1 miesiąc temu
Welcome new Greyhawk Fans!
With the publication of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are doubtless
going to be a lot of new D&D players interested in my favorite setting, the
2 miesiące temu
The Weird Crushers that will Accompany the Imminent Releases!
The next upcoming LotFP releases will be delivered from the printer THIS
Leading up to the big new releases... here are the FIVE new Weird Crusher...
7 miesięcy temu
Grimdark vs. Eucatastrophe
Noisms has some interesting ideas in this post about his desire for some
depth to his grimdark, and turns to Gene Wolfe and Tolkien for relief.
Now, it ...
7 miesięcy temu
When did the OSR begin? 2008.
I was looking through a box of some of my old gaming stuff, and I ran
across a bunch of old OSR zines and DIY supplements from 15+ years ago. I
thought, ...
8 miesięcy temu
Attronarch's Athenaeum
Over at the forum El Borak mentioned Attronarch in his thread Hirelings,
loyalty, and morale which you should take a look at.
Attronarch has a website Att...
10 miesięcy temu
A Bevy of Beyond the Supernatural Sheets
I don't know if anyone out there is still playing *Beyond the Supernatural*
("BtS"), Palladium's fun* little game of proto-super heroes hunting the
11 miesięcy temu
There Were Dice
I started my Spelljammer game last weekend. It was my first time DMing
since December 2021. I wasn't as rusty as I thought I was going to be, but
I *was ...
1 rok temu
2e Character Sheet
One of the most popular posts on this site over the years has been the 2nd
Edition AD&D character sheet I cooked up for our game in the early 90s. I
2 lata temu
Abiørn's Satchel
This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of
rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and
3 lata temu
The Spine of Night Premiering at SXSW Tonight!
*The Spine of Night* will be premiering tonight at *SXSW*. I am extremely
excited about this one! If the past output from Morgan King/Gorgonaut has
been ...
3 lata temu
Not Necromancy...
I am indeed alive! AN incredibly busy year of travel just got more crazy
as the year ended. In between I continued to work and play-test a different
5 lat temu
Strange, Dangerous, and Inhuman: The Fey and Fairie
When I was a boy I loved fairy tales. Jack and the Beanstalk, Puss in
Boots, Rumpelstiltskin - I devoured all of it. My fascination that there
was a strang...
5 lat temu
My new project is hosted at the following *LINK*
5 lat temu
Lake Geneva Original RPG Campaign: New EN World Column: #1
Lake Geneva Original RPG Campaign: New EN World Column: #1: I am now an
author for EN World with a monthly column. Six lead columns have been
submitted to...
5 lat temu
Dungeoneering Blog
This blog is moved to: Dungeoneering.blogspot.com
5 lat temu
No i bye old school
*Dobra.* Wypierdalam, wreszcie z polskiego fundomu i z tego bloga. Ku
uciesze kuglarskich mas. To ta chwila, na która czekali polterowcy,
stulejarze, nazi...
5 lat temu
The Mythology of Moog
*Mythology of Moog*
*The following is a long-accepted translation from the Codex Incarnaeum
which describes the birth of the world. The views expressed...
5 lat temu
James's Celebration of Life
We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a
bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
5 lat temu
Human Infravision
Gizmodo reports "By injecting nanoparticles into the eyes of mice,
scientists gave them the ability to see near-infrared light—a wavelength
not normally vi...
5 lat temu
Regarding Zak
I hope that Zak engages with some sort of accountability process, takes
responsibility ...
5 lat temu
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask.
A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's
*not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to
6 lat temu
Save Versus All Wands Contest: What is the Value of the Coin Hoard?
Treasure Type H
Announcing the third annual (well, not quite) Save Versus All Wands contest!
You can read about and see the results of the first two - *...
6 lat temu
FREE Version of Microlite20 Comprehensive Edition Now Available
The Pay What You Want/Free (no art) version of the *Microlite20
Comphrensive Edition* is now available.
*Microlite20* is a tiny version of 3.x designed to ...
6 lat temu
Goodbye and Good Luck
Well some of you may have noticed this blog has been down, restricting
access for some time. For various reasons I've decided to step away from
the OSR...
6 lat temu
Hirelings for my Barrowmaze campaign
I have been creating a random generation spreadsheet for hirelings for my
new Barrowmaze campaign, which is set in my Japan-like setting called
Oyashima. ...
6 lat temu
Session XCIII: One Pissed Off Dragon!
Our ongoing Swords and Wizardry sandbox campaign...
*Current Player Characters:*
*Thenus* (Ranger)
*Wang Du* (Monk)
*Wolfheir* (Viking)
*Arg* (Half-orc)
7 lat temu
Adventure Lookup
This looks like a handy resource : AdventureLookup.com
Looks like more than 200 1e/B/x/osr adventures in the database so far.
Should come in handy next tim...
7 lat temu
Cardtography 2: A Simple Dungeon
The second installment of Cardtography is up at Kobold Press.
We didn’t choose cards as our randomizers because they’re somewhat
room-shaped. That’s a h...
7 lat temu
I Missed the LL Box Set News
Now I know I’ve been out of the RPG circles for quite some time, but how
did I not hear of a freakin’ *Labyrinth Lord BOX SET*…and when can I *get*
one (m...
8 lat temu
The Cosmic Gobsmack: Me and Mr. C
My gut started bothering me a week or so before the last GenCon.
I had a previously set appointment for Aug. 21st and told my Family Dr.,
who recommended a...
8 lat temu
Appendix N: May 2016 Edition
I've been looking for some decent bookcases for about four years.
I finally came across the bookcases, above, which a used bookstore were
getting rid ...
8 lat temu
Ausblick – RPG Blog-O-Quest Dezember 2015
1. Das Jahr nähert sich dem Ende. Worauf freust Du Dich RPG-technisch am
meisten in 2016? Unter den momentan angekündigten Spielen gibt es
eigentlich keine...
9 lat temu
Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell On Sale Now
*The day many undoubtedly believed would never arrived is finally here!
The sequel to the original *Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls* is
9 lat temu
Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because
of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge.
9 lat temu
Fin. With an update
*Updated 2/24/15* - So when I wrote this over three years ago, I had a huge
life project come upon me, it was time to put my energy into something
else. I ...
9 lat temu
Legends & Labyrinths
Please visit us online at http://www.legendsandlabyrinths.com. Filed
under: Uncategorized
10 lat temu
Meet the Party
I'm back in Poland for a few days. Which means it's time to move my D&D
campaign a bit. I have little time left to the session, so just take a look
at the...
11 lat temu
Closing Today
The Underdark Gazette will go Down, sometime after 11:00 PM, Central Time,
this evening. Please, if you would be so kind, update your links to my new
blog ...
13 lat temu
Nothing to see here. Move along.
13 lat temu
Recently reading the Shadow of executioner and watching Beowulf movie
starring Christopher Lambert I wanted to run a sci-fantasy game. Since I
have many ma...
13 lat temu
Kingdoms of Kalamar Play Report: Session III - Mopping up Bandits
Last night's session went off well for the most part, though there was a
disagreement as to the procedure for treasure division amongst the players.
All sh...
13 lat temu
Piece of Cake: Cthulhu Bits
(Marcus: Heute zur Abwechslung mal ein Gastbeitrag meiner besseren Hälfte.
Ab und an wird sie in Zukunft hier hoffentlich das eine oder andere Posting
14 lat temu
More Dreaming Games
I'm trying to get this down while the dream is still fresh and has not yet
faded, so it won't be very coherent...
The dream started in Washington, DC, wher...
15 lat temu